Thursday, 9 February 2017

Merit blog post 1

merit blog post 

On the way to technology today, I sat next to Ashley. We were both really exited and nervous about finding out what subject we were doing. On the bus the noise level was alright, none of our group wanted a siting plan.Once we arrived at Lincoln we all took a sit outside the classrooms, we went over our groups and what subject we were doing. I was really happy with the group I was with and the subject I was doing. The teacher doing textiles and design was Mrs Patterson, after we all got sorted we headed over to the building we were in. The first activity we were doing was setting our goals for the year, my goal was to improve my skills in all of the subjects. When we finished that we went through the design process this was very interesting as we had to figure out what the steps were to making a object. Before we new it the day was nearly over we only had Chinese left before we went back to school. Chinese was awesome I learnt how to sing a Chinese new years song, the teachers ask someone to come to the front of the class and sing so I volunteered, after I had sung the song I got given a prize. On the way back from technology I sat next to Johanna, the noise was good we were talking about lots of stuff. So what i'm trying to say is that technology was amazing. During my class I showed Active thinking when I contributed lots of ideas and suggestions. 

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