Sunday, 26 February 2017

E4 Home Learning Challenge Merit Evidence

E4 Home Learning Challenge Merit Evidence

I woke up this morning with a startled expression on my face, it was 7:00 and Elle White had woken Ashley and I up. It was the day of the weetbix tryathlon and Ashley and I were doing it in a team. When we arrived I went over and put my bike in transition, at 9:10 Ashley and I went over to the briefing. At 10:10 it was time for the race, while I sat and waited Ashley was swimming. When Ashley came and tagged me I went out for the bike then when I came back in I ran down to Ashley and we ran 1km to the finish. when we were about to cross the line we held hands, then I went to a man and got a medal. I think that I did really well especially on the bike, I am very proud of Ashley for being my team mate and supporting me throughout this experience.

This is a photo at the finish with Gemma McCaw  

Friday, 24 February 2017

Find Factors and Common Multiples

WALT: Find factors of numbers to 100 and common multiples of numbers to 10
Assessment Task:

1. Find all the factors of 16

The factors of 16 are: 8,2,4

2. Find all the factors of 20

The factors of 20 are: 2,10,4,5

3. Fill in the missing factors below:




Here are the 3 screenshots to my IXL activities:

Screenshot (1).png

My next step is: To try and get more Questions right and Try get  less time spent on that activity

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Key leadership role merit blog post 3

Key leadership role blog post 3

Today Riley and I had PALS. We were on kakono it was Challenging chosing a activity for them but we came up with a good game to play. We decided to do moonhopers,stilts and hollahoops we were really happy with our choose but to make this work we needed to get the moonhopers,stilts and hollahoops so we went to the P.E shed and got them. But we were missing something our vests so we went and got them. We carried our stuff down to the kakono area, when we arrived all the junior students were crowding round us. All ready I knew this was going to be a good game, through out the game I was getting involved with them and I was having fun. When the game was finished Riley and I put all the gear away and put our vests outside the classroom door. This was my first time doing PALS and I loved it I am looking ford to doing this leardership role.

Merit blog post 3


Today on the bus to Technology I was so excited. When I was on the bus I sat next to Ashley we both thought that the Jodie level was poor because it was way to loud but as we went it got better. When we arrived a Lincoln we made our way over to our class. The first thing we had to go was finish off sheet A and B,Ashley and I were already up to sheet B so we finished that off . After we had done that we started to prototype our bag,our first step was to chose the fabric that we needed. It took us awhile to chose but when.we had chosen we started to knit the fabric together,when we first tried that we didn't know how so  Mts Patterson took a lesson in his to.After we had fond the lesson we knew how to do it, Ashley and I both took turns knitting. When we had almost finished we got told that we had to go to Chinese, when we were at Chinese we learnt how to say a sentence about wee you wee from this was very interesting. When we got back we only had 10minutes to finish our kniting,we had finished and had two minutes spare so we decided to pack up. On the way back from Technology I sat next to Danok and we had a interesting convocation. When we were at Technology I thought I showed lots of active thinking by problem solving.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Key leadership role merit blog post 2

Key leadership role merit blog post 2

On Wednesday our class devoted most of our day to do some more leadership training. We split off into our groups and started doing some training, the first thing we did was fill out a google slide about being a good PAL. Riley and I looked at a form about this and then we looked at a different form about what would happen if we didn't do our duty. After we had discussed this Mr Muller told us we were going outside to play some games, but what we didn't know was that some of us had to lead the game. Luckily Riley and I didn't get chosen, the game that was being run by James and Brayden was french cricket and the game being run by Lindsay and Daniel was bat down. Then when we had finished these games we went back inside and did some more stuff about being a good PAL. Half and hour after that we headed back outside and did some more games, all of the PALS played numbers basketball ran by Jakob and Soulin it started of a little rough but then it went better as the game went on. Next time we get to run a game I really want to because I didn't get a chance, I am really looking ford to doing my duty next week.    

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Merit blog post 2


Today on the bus ride to Technology I sat next to Ashley. The noise level was great, Mr Muller had as  all under control. When we got to Technology Ashley and I walked over to Tech styles and design. The first thing we did was a test about the black box Ashley and I worked together I think we did well. When we finished that we started to discuss what we would make and what we would be using. After we did that we filled out a sheet about some ideas to make, Ashley and I decided on a Wet tog bag, the idea of this is that the bag is waterproof so when you put you wet togs into it they won't get any of your other stuff wet. During the middle of this we had to stop and go to Chinese when we arrived at Chinese we got straight into learning. Some of the learning we did was making origami this was very challenging but I got through it. When we got back to class it was time to pack up, when the bus finally arrived I sat next to Ashley the noise level on the way back was alright. When we got back to school I reflected on my time at Technology replaying the time I had I descoverd that I was very proud of myself for showing Respect by taking part in my group. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

C6 Home Learning Challenge Merit Evidence

C6 Home Learning Challenge Merit Evidence 


Today after school I was looking for something to do so I decided to do a home learning challenge. The one I chose to do was deliver some clothes to a charity. The first thing I needed to do was find some clothes that either were to small or old.After this I found a plastic bag to put them in and take them to the charity. When I got to the charity I got the bag and put it in the charity bin. After this I felt like I showed the CARE value of community by  helping out others who aren't as lucky as me.      

Friday, 10 February 2017

Key leadership role merit blog post 1

Key leadership role merit blog post 1 

Yesterday I took on the leadership role of being a PAL. But before I could be a PAL I had to train.  Some of the training I had to do was lead my class in a game.  To achieve this I had to pair up with another group and choose 2 games.  The games we chose were Indian tag and octopus. After we had done this we had to get all the gear we needed. After this we headed out onto the field with our class and tried to teach them the game.  Something challenging about this was trying to get the classes attention! Once we finally got their attention we set up the boundary and told them the rules and sorted them out into teams.  The first game we played was Indian tag.  Trying to explain the rules was hard because it is a very complicated game but I managed.  Once the game got started everyone was having a blast!Before we knew it our time had run out and it was time to pack up. Therefore I think I'm going to have a great year being a PAL leader. The care value I showed during this was excellence because I persevered and never gave up.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Merit blog post 1

merit blog post 

On the way to technology today, I sat next to Ashley. We were both really exited and nervous about finding out what subject we were doing. On the bus the noise level was alright, none of our group wanted a siting plan.Once we arrived at Lincoln we all took a sit outside the classrooms, we went over our groups and what subject we were doing. I was really happy with the group I was with and the subject I was doing. The teacher doing textiles and design was Mrs Patterson, after we all got sorted we headed over to the building we were in. The first activity we were doing was setting our goals for the year, my goal was to improve my skills in all of the subjects. When we finished that we went through the design process this was very interesting as we had to figure out what the steps were to making a object. Before we new it the day was nearly over we only had Chinese left before we went back to school. Chinese was awesome I learnt how to sing a Chinese new years song, the teachers ask someone to come to the front of the class and sing so I volunteered, after I had sung the song I got given a prize. On the way back from technology I sat next to Johanna, the noise was good we were talking about lots of stuff. So what i'm trying to say is that technology was amazing. During my class I showed Active thinking when I contributed lots of ideas and suggestions. 

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

R1 Home Learning Challenge Merit Evidence

 R1 Home Learning Challenge


After school today I decided that I would do a home learning challenge. I wanted to improve my fitness so I went to Pioneer Pool and swam 1km of freestyle, backstroke and breath stroke. At first I was excited about having a new challenge to face. But once I started I got exhausted and thrown into the learning PIT. To climb my out of here I started to slow down and catch my breath so I didn't get as exhausted. At  the end I was relieved that I was done and happy that it was over. My next step is to keep up the same pace throughout the 1km so that I don't get exhausted. The CARE value I           showed was Excellence because I never gave up through the whole 1km.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

R2 Home Learning Challenge Merit Evidence

 R2 Home Learning Challenge


After school today I decided that I would bake some biscuits and deliver them to my neighbours. I baked butter biscuits as this was in my mums recipe book. Half way through the recipe I realised that I had to put the biscuits in the fridge for 2 hours, this brought me down a little because I didn't know we had to do this at the start and was hoping to deliver them to the neighbours earlier. My neighbours complimented my biscuits because they were crunchy on the outside and gooey in the middle. My next step is to read through the recipe before I start next time so I don't get confused.
The CARE value I showed during this was Respect because I spent my time baking biscuits and delivering them to my neighbours.