Friday, 30 June 2017

Maddy's student led conference

Maddy's student led conference

My next step is to show my parents some of y learning from my book, and read them some of my writing. 

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Investigate situations that involve elements of chance by comparing experimental distributions with expectations from models of the possible outcomes, acknowledging variation and independence.

Assessment task: Investigate situations that involve elements of chance by comparing experimental distributions with expectations from models of the possible outcomes, acknowledging variation and independence.

Question 1:

Show your working and answer here (you may need to add a photo of a tree diagram you frew on your little whiteboard):
I think Beth won. Here is my diagram.
Jun 28, 2017 4:01:43 PM.jpg
I worked this out by following the clues, in the clue it said that Aroha didn’t play Connie so then I knew that Aroha and Connie only played two games. The other clue said that Beth beat Delsey so that meant that Beth won and Delsey had lost.

Question 2:
Car number plates in the land of Automobile have two letters and two digits. How many different number plates could be made using two letters and two digits?

Show your working and answers here:
There are 92 numbers you could use. 13 letters you could use. Jun 28, 2017 4:23:39 PM.jpgJun 28, 2017 4:24:21 PM.jpg
My answer is 4,519

Question 3:
Show your working and answer here: I worked out all the combinations and the answer was 16. Here is my working out.
Jun 28, 2017 4:43:10 PM.jpg

Show your working and answer here: to be correct jonathan has to send in 16 entries. Here are my combinations.
Jun 28, 2017 4:43:10 PM.jpg

What is you next step?
Mt next step is to try year 9/10 statistics.

Finally, add the screenshots from the 3 IXL activities you did here:

Activity One
Screenshot (49).png
Activity Two
Screenshot (50).png
Activity Three
Screenshot (51).png

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Distinction blog post 4

Distinction blog post 4
Today I had band practice, I was a little late because I had student council. But when I got there I saw that I wasn't late at all. I then started setting up, I got my guitar out and tuned it. We then started practicing the good night kiwi song, because we are going to be playing it in next weeks assembly. Today we packed up early because the little kids were doing jump jam in the hall. After packing up I thought that I showed Respect by packing up when asked and listening to instructions, I also think I showed the leadership trait of Goal focused because I set myself a goal to listen hard and play well and I achieved that goal. 

Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references

Assessment task: Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references

To complete this task you will need a paper copy of the treasure map - These are in Mrs Stinson's drawer in the Whanau zone -please ask her for one. You will need to complete the task here and add a photo of your treasure map when it is done to this document and then turn in.

  • Firstly go south 2km
  • Then go west 1km
  • After that keep going west 2km
  • Now go north 2km and you will find your buried treasure but first you will have to dig and dig until you find the treasure
Here is my finished map.

Jun 14, 2017 10:38:58 AM.jpg

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Identify classes of two- and three-dimensional shapes by their geometric properties

Identify classes of two- and three-dimensional shapes by their geometric properties
Assessment task:

  • Stretched out hexagon X4
  • Triangle without 2 corners X8
  • Square X4
2. The one on the left is my finished product cut out and the one on the right is my net.

Jun 26, 2017 8:25:55 PM.jpg

Monday, 26 June 2017

Careers Education C.V. Writing

In CAREERS EDUCATION we have been learning to write a skills based Curriculum Vitae.

A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have,  rather than our work history.

Here is a link to our online Modelling Book that shows the process we have followed.

Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are:

  1. You need to include the 7 things an employer is looking for

  1. Make it sort and sweet

  1. You need to have referees

Here is a link to my Skills based Curriculum Vitae.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Distinction blog post 3

Distinction blog post 3
Today I had garden to table. We were showing our buddy's some slid's about whats the tool and whats the vegetable, In my group I had Alec, Alex and Mania. I learnt about how little, little children know about vegetables and tools. After we had been through the slid's I said to my group that they showed community by taking part, I think I also showed that. I also showed leadership when I was talking about the tools because I had to use resilience because the little kids sometimes didn't listen.  

Key leadership role distinction post 4

Key leadership role distinction post 4
Today Riley and I had PALS, we were doing jump jam. The first thing we did was ask Mr Muller for the laptop and microphone, then we went to the hall and set up. Once the bell rung little kids were coming into the hall so we started the jump jam music, Riley and I got an the stage and did the actions with the person on the screen. When it was 10 past 1 Riley and I packed it up. After we had packed up I thought that I showed Respect by doing my duty and turning up on time, I also think I showed the leadership trait of Trustworthy because at the start of the year I said that I would turn up on time to my duty and I have done that. 

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Describe patterns of reflection, rotation, & translation


  • To create the top left hand N you have to rotate the blue 7 anticlockwise 180 degrees on the middle of the longest right hand side and make the new 7 red
  • To create the right hand top N you have to rotate clockwise the previous N from the bottom right hand corner 90 degrees clockwise
  • To create the bottom right hand corner N you will have to translate the top left hand N to the bottom right hand corner and rotate 180 degrees clockwise
  • To create the bottom left hand corner you will have to rotate anticlockwise the top left hand corner N 90 degrees and translate from top left corner to bottom right corner

C4 distinction home learning challenge 3

C4 distinction home learning challenge 3
On Friday after school I started doing the 40 hour famine, I was doing no furniture. I found this hard because I had to eat tea on the ground and go to sleep on the ground. On Saturday morning I went to Ashley's house because we were doing the 40 hour famine together, We made a hut on the ground and ate on the ground. On Friday we started the 40 hour famine at 3:00 so it ended at 7:00 on Sunday. I think that I showed the care value of Community because I raised money for people who aren't as fortunate as me, I also showed the leadership trait of Integrity because I didn't use the money for something I shouldn't have used it for. 

Friday, 16 June 2017

Distinction key leadership role post 3

Distinction key leadership role post 3
Today I had PALS, Riley and I were doing stilts.We firstly went to the P.E shed to get the gear. Then we walked down to the area we were playing in and set up for the game, once the game started we handed out POZI'S then we counted the children, we had 25 children come to our game. When the game had finished we said to everyone to put their stilts into the bucket, when everyone had put their stilts away Riley and I took the gear to the P.E shed. After our game I think that I showed Active thinking because Riley and I didn't know what to play so I problem solved and came up with a game, I also think that I showed Integrity because during the game I was being fair by giving everyone the same amount of POZI'S. 

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Distinction blog post 2

Distinction blog post 2
Yesterday I had band, when I arrived I got all the stuff I needed sorted and then I started practicing. Mr Rule came in and we then started practicing the good night kiwi song, at the end after we had practiced for i while I thought that we were starting to get better. Mr Rule helped the guitarist with the timing and then we were basically sorted. After band had finished I helped Emily pack up the drums, then I went to Mr Rule and said thank you. I think that I showed Excellence because I listened to Mr Rule and learned the timing of the song, I also think I showed the leadership trait of Resilient's because when I got stuck trying to get the timing right I didn't give up.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Form and Solve simple Linear Equations.

In Maths we have been learning to solve one and two step linear equations.

Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning.  
Extended Abstract Activities.

Here is a link to my Extended Abstract Activity.

My next learning step in Maths is to use graphs, tables and rules to describe linear relationships.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Distinction key leadership role post 2

Distinction key leadership role post 2

Yesterday I had PALS, Riley and I were doing jump jam for both senior and junior students. We got the DVD and played our first song which was candy man; everyone loved this song. Some of the students had to leave early because the junior students had cross country; but we still keep on playing the DVD for the senior students. After the bell rang Riley and I packed up and took the gear back to Mr Muller. I think that I showed the care value Excellence because when the junior students left I still keep playing the DVD, I also showed the leadership trait of Active thinker because I problem solved to keep the DVD playing. 

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Distinction key leadership role post 1

Distinction key leadership role post 1

Today I had PALS, me and Riley were doing skipping. We took all our gear down to the juniors area, as soon as the bell rung little kids wee everywhere, me and Riley counted 35 children at our game. While we were playing with the kids we saw a little boy fall over his name was Alec, we made sure he was okay and then I took him to the office while Riley was still looking after everyone else. After our game had ended we took all the gear back to the P.E shed. I thought that I showed Community because I looked after Alec and played safely, I also think that I showed the leadership trait of Active thinker because I acted fast and took Alec to the office.

Distinction blog post 1

Distinction blog post 1

Today I had technology it was the last session before we moved, On the bus ride there I sat with Johanna. When we got to Lincoln my class went into the science room as we are doing science. The first thing we did was chose the element of the day; Anneke chose the element she chose AU that stands for gold and it is number 79 on the periodic table. After that our teacher told us that we were going to be doing an experiment on paper towels, the experiment was what paper towel can soak up the most water. We had five different brands, Viav, Tuffy, Earthcare, Value, and Pams. I did a hypothesis that Viva was going to soak up the most water and I was right. Then we went to Chinese this was fun as we were learning about sports and other things. On the way back from Lincoln I sat with Johanna and the noise level was alright but Mr Muller had to tell as once or twice to be quite. I thought that I showed Respect by listening to my teachers at tech and I respected others rights to learn, I also showed the leadership trait of Goal focused because In Chinese I was focused on my learning.