Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Plan and conduct investigations using the statistical inquiry cycle

Plan and conduct investigations using the statistical inquiry cycle

There are links to my learning
1.Coming up with a question
2.Planing a fair investigation 
3. Gathering data from you're investigation 
4. Analyzing the data
5. Presenting the data

I learnt how to plan a investigation and present it.

Convert between metric units, using whole numbers and commonly used decimals.

WALT Convert between metric units, using whole numbers and commonly used decimals.

I have found this goal interesting because it is different to the other parts of math you have to actually do physical activities, I really enjoyed this aspect of it. Overall an enjoyable challenge for my maths.

Here are the links to my work
Task 1 (I can calculate speed)
Task 2 (How fast can you run 1km)

Task 3 (Speed of my throw or kick)
Task 4 (How fast can you sprint)

My next step is to use this knowledge in my general life. 

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Scales, timetables and Charts

Scales, timetables and Charts

In Maths we have been learning to interpret and use scales, Timetables and charts.

Here is a link to our online modelling book.

These are the activities that I have completed as part of this learning.

Roundabout Rugby

My next Step is to apply the new knowledge that I have gained to real life situations eg using airport/bus timetables.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Write an effective argument for our chosen political party

WALT: Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

“Let’s do this” do you know what party you want to vote for and have you voted? Because if you haven’t I have some strong ideas on why you should vote for  the Labour party. Personally I believe that everyone should vote for the Labour party because Labour have so many interesting and helpful ideas for New Zealand these are: Everyone should be provided with free student loans, establish a national cancer agency and provide more grants for housing and insulation. There is my first reason you should vote for the Labour party.

Firstly The Labour party believe that to get a good education you need to provide everyone with free student loans. This will encourage students to go to school because it will be no charge. It will raise awareness to show that schools are willing to go charge free. People will go to school for free and it will make them think that  their child should go to school because it is free. But that’s not all the Labour party have to offer; another really interesting policy is to establish a national cancer agency.

Another policy Labour are going to introduce is we want to establish a national cancer agency. The benefits of a national cancer agency is that A National Cancer Agency would improve the quality and consistency of cancer treatment in New Zealand.The Agency’s goals would be to improve consistency of treatment across the country and develop a National Cancer Plan to reduce death rates due to cancer. The Labour party are also trying to help housing in new zealand by providing more grants for housing and insulation.
Last but not least The Labour party are trying there hardest to improve housing in new zealand by providing more grants for housing and insulation. Labour believes that too many homes are poorly insulated and heated, leaving people in cold, damp homes. Increasing the home insulation subsidy should bring more homes up to standard. Labour believe that homes in New Zealand are getting too cold for people to live in and in some cases people are dying. Another reason you should vote for labour instead of National is that National are making empty promises.

On the other hand one of the reasons you should vote for Labour instead of National is that one of  National’s policies is to Provide pregnant women with one free dental course. If National do go through with this policy it is unfair on the male part of the country and just because females give birth doesn’t mean they can get an advantage in dental course. Not all pregnant women will want to take the dental course and this means that other pregnant women get more care. The people that run the dental course might not want to give free dental courses to pregnant women so National will need to check that they agree with this policy.

The Labour party are thinking of you so you should return the favor by voting for them. In my opinion I think Labour is the best party to vote for because they have the best education, health and housing policies and they speak for all of New Zealand. To recap on what I have just said the Labour party are offering a national cancer agency, improving housing and providing everyone with free student loans. Furthermore the Labour party is the best party to vote for It can offer lot’s of useful and helpful policies and thats why you should vote for the Labour party… so “let’s do this.”

My next steps are:
To add more of the different types of conjunctions.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Koru Games Reflection

Koru Games Reflection

In the Koru Games the sport I competed in was Netball

Our team won 6 games out of 10 which got us 12 out of 32

I found the experience significant because the people in my team and myself learnt how to show sportsmanship and how to work together.

In terms of working with Individuals and Groups; my solo level is relational because I tried my best but their is always room for improvement.

For Teamwork; my solo level is relational because sometimes I got frustrated if our team was losing.

Individuals and groups
I need help to work in a group (with teachers or other students
I can work in a group with my friends.
I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  

I can respond positively to the needs of others
I can reflect on how well I work with the group and seek feedback on how I can improve

I need help to interact with others.

I need help to participate in a team.
I can interact with others one to one.

I can participate in a team.
I can interact with others in a small group.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team and explain my choices in terms of team outcomes.
I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Text Composition

Reading - Text Composition

In reading we have been learning to….
recognize the way words, sentences and paragraphs are put together (eg sentences that express cause and effect) and use this knowledge to understand complicated texts.

These documents show evidence of my learning during this unit:
(link your own learning for each of these activities. Please make sure your sharing settings are open)

My Next Step: Is to continue to apply this new knowledge of parts of texts, to help me make sense of increasingly complicated text types.

Letter Writing

Letter Writing

In Writing we have been learning to: Write a formal letter.

We have followed the writing process and have planned and drafted a formal letter.

This shows the process that we have followed.

One thing that I found challenging about writing formal letters was having to include their address and my address.

My next step is: look for more opportunities to put my letter writing knowledge into practice in the future.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Distinction blog post 10

Distinction blog post 10
Today I had band practice. The first song we did was Believer, Emily had to work on her beat and Ashley and I worked on our cords. Today we had singers joining our group and this made the song sound a lot better. After we had worked out the cords we went through the whole song. When band practice was over I thought I showed the care value of Respect because I listened to what Mr Rule had to say, I also thought I showed the leadership trait of Goal focused because I set a goal that I would work out the cords to the song and I did so I achieved my goal.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Distinction blog post 9

Distinction blog post 9
On Friday I had buddy program. In our group we played bowling and donkey. The first activity we did was bowling with group one, then we played donkey. After we had group one we had group two, My favorite activity was definitely donkey because everyone took part and played fairly. I thought I showed the care value of Excellence because I was the only one in my group who took part with helping the kids, I also thought I showed the leadership trait of Integrity because I played fairly and honestly with the children. 

Key leadership role distinction post 10

Key leadership role distinction post 10
On Thursday I had PALS, Riley and I were doing PALS. The first thing we did was get the sound box and set up, we didn't have to put chairs across the hall because fidget spinner club as stopped. Riley and I started setting up but we couldn't find the key to the box so we asked Mr Hilary, it turned out that we had a boy's look when we looked. So at 1:00 we started doing jump jam. When it was time to pack up we left the long one going because the other PALS didn't turn up. I thought that I showed the care value of active thinking because we put the long jump jam on because the others didn't turn up, I also thought I showed the leadership trait of  trustworthy because I turned up on time to my duty. 

Friday, 11 August 2017

key leadership role distinction post 9

key leadership role distinction post 9
Yesterday I had PALS, Riley and I did jump jam as the field was closed. At the start we couldn't find the sound box, but then Mr M brought it to us. During jump jam we got on stage and did the moves with the video. After we had finished we kept on a video that went for ever because the people who were meant to be after us didn't show up. I thought I showed active thinking because I said to Riley that since the others didn't show up we would play the long video, I also thought I showed the leadership trait of resilience because when we couldn't find the sound box we felt like giving up but we kept pushing.

Distinction blog post 8

Distinction blog post 8
Today I had kapa haka. The first thing we did was sing a song called " the shark song". then after we had perfected that song we practiced hallelujah, this was harder because when we were singing the second verse of hallelujah we were in the wrong key. After kapa haka I thought I showed the care value of respect because I listened to the teacher, I also think I showed the leadership trait of goal focused because I didn't get distracted and focused on the speaker. 

Integers and Decimals

Maths - Integers and Decimals

In Maths we have been learning to find the common multiples and factors of numbers.

We have been solving equations for square roots, factors and multiples of numbers.
  1. Readability
  2. Accuracy
  3. Relevance
  4. Quality of language/ information.

This document shows the evidence that I have collected as I have completed the tasks.

My Next Step: Is to use this knowledge further by applying it to problem solving tasks and questions that I will solve in Maths.

A11 distinction home learning challenge 5

A11 distinction home learning challenge 5

This home learning challenge is about how I tried out for the cantamaths team.
Here is a link to one of the challenges I had to do.
Week 1 cantamaths questions

I showed the care value of community during this challenge because I did this fairly, I also showed the leadership trait of Integrity because I was honest when answering the questions. 

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.

Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.

In Maths we have been learning:
  • To convert between fractions, decimals , percentages and vice versa.

Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning.  

The most challenging part about this unit of learning was turning fractions into decimals because at first I didn't get it but then Mr M showed me a simple way to do it .

My next learning step in Maths is to apply  this knowledge to help me solve a range of increasingly more complicated maths problems.

Friday, 4 August 2017

key leadership role distinction post 8

key leadership role distinction post 8
Yesterday I had PALS, Riley and I were doing jump jam. First of all the computer was playing up so we dicided to play Simon says. Mr Muller got the computer to work so we did jump jam for the last 10 minutes. During the 10 minutes we were handing out POZIS. After we had finished our duty I thought that I showed the care value of active thinking because when the computer wasn't working we problem solved and played Simon says. I also think I showed the leadership trait of active thinker because we thought of different ways to fix the computer. 

Distinction blog post 7

Distinction blog post 7
Today I had choir, the first thing I did was write my name on the role. Then when everyone was there we sang a warm up song, then during the practice we sang some songs from the music festival. When the practice had almost came to a end we sang the I know by Ed Sheeran and we played around with it. Then when it was the end of the practice I thought I showed the care value of respect because I listened respectfully, I also thought I showed the leadership trait of trustworthy because at the start of the year I committed to choir and I have gone to every practice.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

I can apply the strategy to problem solving questions

I can apply the strategy to problem solving questions

Complete these three questions below
Answer and Explanation
My answer is 0.875
Aug 2, 2017 12:25:21 PM.jpg

Answer and Explanation
200 days without hot chocolate= $840 and 2 days without the bus = 11
11 + 840 = 851 so you would also have $1 left over.

Please note: a magic square is like this

6 1 5
3 4 5
3 7 2

Here every row and column equals the same - in the case above they all equal 12..

Answer and explanation.
7/6 3/2 4/3
4/3 7/6 3/2
3/2 4/3 7/6

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Reading - Evaluate Texts

Reading - Evaluate Texts

In reading we have been learning to….make decisions about the usefulness of the text for purpose, by using a variety of criteria to evaluate.

Here is a link to our online modelling book

We have been evaluating texts against the following four criteria:
  1. Readability
  2. Accuracy
  3. Relevance
  4. Status

These documents show evidence of my learning during this unit:

My Next Step: Is to continue to apply this new knowledge and evaluate texts as I read them, checking for readability, accuracy, relevance and quality of language/ information

Friday, 28 July 2017

R8 Home learning challenge Distinction post 4

R8 Home learning challenge Distinction post 4
The last 10 days I have been going around the house and doing some jobs with out being asked.
here is a table of what I have been doing

What you did:
Clean out the container cupboard and organize it.
Do my bed
sweep the floor
Shut the curtains around the house.
Unload the dishwasher.
Set the table.
Unset the table.
Open the curtains around the house.
Folded the clothes.
Take the laundry in from on the clothesline.